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Mike Lavi’s “Stray Cat” is the summery vibe we all needed

After pressing play on Mike Lavi’s “Stray Cat” I was greeted by a giggling producer tag and the kind of bubbly production one might find on a Sahbabii song. It was one of those instrumentals that reassures you that despite everything going on right now, this track is guaranteed to give you a much-needed reprieve. 

The Cincinnati native begins the track with a clever ‘stray cat’ metaphor that is tied back into the song frequently. Lavi uses the idea of stray cats as a symbol for girls who are easy and pale in comparison to his love interest. 

“Stray Cats” is Lavi’s second single of the year after “Hotel Freestyle” which has garnered a healthy 13,000 streams on Spotify. While having a similarly summery feel as “Stray Cat”, “Hotel Freestyle” leans on a more spacey beat with quirky synth leads popping out from unseen places.

Check out “Stray Cats” below and stay tuned for more from Mike Lavi!

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